We're glad you haven\u2019t given up and still searching for possibility. You\u2019re exactly the type of person we love to work with.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
When working with our practitioners we will listen to what you and your body is telling us. Creating awareness of the mind-body connection in patients is pivotal to our approach. As passionate therapists (Osteopaths<\/a> and Holistic Chiropractors<\/a>) we help you acknowledge why your body is in its current physical state and to release these issues that may be inhibiting the healing process.
By using an intuitive approach to treat the body, using mainly structural and direct techniques to treat the musculoskeletal system such as:
With a focus on education and preventative health, when we work together you will learn how to take responsibility and action in your recovery and wellbeing.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Osteopaths and Holistic Chiropractors use a wide range of techniques that are safe and effective. These range from soft tissue massage<\/a>, joint manipulation<\/a> (articulation, mobilisation, high-velocity low amplitude cavitations), muscle energy technique, stretching, cupping, medical acupuncture \/ dry needling<\/a> and prescriptive exercises.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Click for more information on Therapies<\/a>, FAQ<\/a>s or Fees<\/a>.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n